A blindfolded person must complete an obstacle course during a winter team building event in the Alps

As you are organizing your seminar in the snow (let's say, in the Alps, why not?), you might be wondering what activities you can offer to your teams... Because yes, it can sometimes be difficult to find a team-building activity that will suit all your employees. There are the ultra-sporty ones on one side, and those who are less so on the other; there are the challengers, and those who just want to enjoy a moment of relaxation without any fuss. Since we understand this situation, we have designed a range of winter team-building activities that cater to everyone's preferences. Here are the 5 activities we offer to delight all your colleagues during your winter mountain seminar!

The Pioneer of the Peaks, the perfect original activity for a snow team-building event

During our Pioneer of the Peaks activity, you will experience a true immersion in the mountain world, thanks to fun challenges such as: tying climbing knots, searching for avalanche transceivers (ARVA) within a limited time, learning to navigate with a map, and acquiring some basic knowledge about snow science, as well as the flora and fauna of the Alps.

In a fun and engaging team challenge format, as well as through introductory sessions, you will combine sporting trials with the discovery of a new world and sharing experiences alongside passionate mid-mountain guides!

Additionally, you can opt for a dinner at a mountain restaurant, transforming your activity into an Explorer's Evening! While taking a snowshoe walk at the end of the day, you will stop at various locations to participate in the captivating Pioneer of the Peaks workshops. You will then arrive at a chalet for an evening themed around Alpine gastronomy, in an incredibly convivial atmosphere!

Mission Ascension, an ideal mountain team-building activity for a day of team cohesion in winter

We have designed our team-building activities to immerse you completely in the ambiance and culture of the Alps. Just as we developed with the Pioneer of the Peaks, the mountain environment is inseparable from our Savoyard territory.

In this Mission Ascension, you are divided into teams, or more precisely: into rope teams. In a rope team, the strength of unity among its members is the main factor in achieving the objective! These are the dimensions we aim to highlight in this unique activity. You will learn to trust colleagues you might not know well yet, work together, and move forward in a common quest during this winter team-building event.

Our facilitators will challenge you with obstacle courses while you are all roped together, building an igloo that can shelter an entire team, retying knots, or setting up and taking down a camp! As you can see, this is the ultimate bond-creating activity that will showcase the talents of each of your colleagues!

The Savoie ou Pas, a unique corporate challenge for a seminar in the Alp

We continue our journey into Savoyard culture with the Savoie ou Pas activity! Yes, earning the Savoyard passport is no easy feat, and we will soon find out if you are worthy of it!

This original team-building activity adapts to every season and immerses you in the aspects that have shaped the region. Imagine yourself in the ambiance of the 1992 Winter Olympics, the film "Les Bronzés font du Ski," or the era of the Dukes of Savoy. Take on challenges like obstacle and orienteering races, Savoyard crest memory games, or blind taste tests, among others!

Savoie ou Pas combines general culture, the five senses, and athletic challenges: there is something for everyone!

The Olympiads, a winter team-building event for your corporate seminar in the snow

The Olympiads immerse you in the setting of the Olympic Games, honoring those of 1924 in Chamonix and 1992 in Albertville, and allow you to discover the best of our team-building activities in a spirited atmosphere!

In teams, you will compete in events such as the icy slide (a type of human curling), Canadian broomball, laser biathlon, igloo building, and many more! The program includes lots of laughter and fun, fun, and more fun! These small sporting challenges are accessible to everyone and will undoubtedly delight all your colleagues who wish to enjoy a moment of relaxation together!

The Winning Bet, an indoor team-building activity for your mountain seminar

The Winning Bet is designed to highlight the hidden talents of each of your colleagues!

With only the indication of a necessary skill to complete a challenge (strength, strategy, agility, speed, musical ear...), you will need to designate your champion and then bet on the winner to earn as many points as possible! The goal is for your champion to win the round, and for the team to predict the victor correctly. This way, each colleague can choose the mini-challenge where they believe their skills give them the best chance! Tower building with Kapla blocks, blind tests, taste tests, impersonations, Pictionary, and even potato peeling are among the hilarious challenges that await you! With The Winning Bet, you'll be full of surprises and will surely discover your colleagues in a new light!

To learn more, discover all our activities in the Alps, as well as our corporate seminar organization services. Send your request to our team now, and we will prepare a program that meets your needs for your winter team-building event!