Chambéry, ideally situated in the heart of Savoie, holds a paramount place in the history of the region. When you visit Chambéry, you immerse yourself in its tumultuous past through its impressive monuments. A hub of Savoyard gastronomy, the city is also the perfect starting point for exploring the world and the flavors of Savoie wines! Follow the guide, as we take you on a journey to discover Chambéry and its surroundings, for an adventure blending culture, nature, and sensory awakening!

Chambéry, the city of the Dukes of Savoy

The downtown area of Chambéry has retained an indelible trace of its glorious past as the residence of the House of Savoy. Indeed, it was one of the capitals of the States of Savoy before its attachment to France. Your visit to Chambéry will allow you to discover the prominent figures and historical monuments, witnesses of those flourishing years.

A cobbled alley overlooks buildings of the Prefecture of Savoy, in the castle of the Dukes of Savoy in Chambéry
The clock on Place Saint-Léger, in the heart of Chambéry
View of the castle of the Dukes of Savoy, in Chambéry, at night
View of Place Saint-Léger, the hyper-center of Chambéry, from the fountain in its center

Where is Chambéry located ?

Chambéry is located in the department of Savoie, 25 minutes from Aix-les-Bains, 45 minutes from Annecy and Albertville, 1 hour and 20 minutes from Lyon, and 1 hour and 45 minutes from Chamonix-Mont-Blanc.

Places to visit in Chambéry

Head to the city center of Chambéry to discover its most emblematic monuments! Starting from Place Saint-Léger, with its faint resemblance to an Italian city, reflecting the closely intertwined history between Savoie and Italy, you wander through its narrow alleys. You land on charming esplanades, one of which hosts the beautiful Saint-François-de-Sales Cathedral. Arriving in front of the Castle of the Dukes of Savoy, you admire its magnificent architecture. Its chapel houses the largest carillon in France and leaves a lasting impression with its unique sound.

Next, stroll along Rue de Boigne and its arcades to stumble upon the famous Fountain of the Elephants, erected in honor of Count de Boigne, who spent part of his life in India. He dedicated his final years to the development of Chambéry.

Chambéry was also the residence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an 18th-century writer, philosopher, and musician. Don't hesitate to visit Les Charmettes, his former house, akin to a small haven of peace in nature!

Our activities for exploring Chambéry and our ideas for your tailor-made stay in the Savoie vineyards region

Chambéry is a must-visit for travelers who want to delve into the history and culture of Savoie. Before heading to the ski resorts in winter or exploring Annecy and Chamonix during your Alpine journey, make a stop to explore the stunning city and its region!

A guide on a guided tour of Chambéry

What to do in Chambéry?

Are you planning to spend a day in Chambéry and explore its main attractions? We arrange a guided tour of Chambéry with a passionate heritage guide for you! Relive the significant moments of its history and that of the House of Savoy while admiring the Château des Ducs de Savoie. Wander through the narrow streets that line the Place Saint-Léger. Let yourself be captivated by the tale of Count de Boigne, honored through the emblematic Elephant Fountain... Travel through time with numerous captivating anecdotes!

Located in the heart of the Savoie vineyards and the true capital of Savoyard gastronomy, Chambéry is also the perfect place for a wine and cheese tasting! Our professional sommelier awaits you at a creamery in the city center to provide you with a two-hour experience in the world of Savoie wine and local cheeses. Your senses will awaken to new flavors!

Visiting Chambéry and its surroundings on a tailor-made stay in the Alps

Chambéry and its region are perfect stops to immerse yourself in local gastronomy, with Savoie wine and cheese among the main specialties. To allow you to discover them in an original and authentic way, we offer several immersive activities:

  • A Tour of the Savoyard Vineyards, for half a day or a full day, with a private driver who takes you from cellar to cellar in the Combe de Savoie. Meet the winemakers who let you taste their domain and sample some of their best vintages!
  • For an even more exclusive experience, embark on an Electric Mountain Bike Wine Tour on trails that pass through the heart of the vineyards, accompanied by a mountain biking instructor and a sommelier! Stop at local wineries for exceptional tastings alongside wine professionals.
  • Our excursion into the heart of the Bauges takes you to a farm where you can taste Tome des Bauges, Margériaz, or Reblochon! Have lunch in a charming inn, then continue your journey to explore Annecy, the little Venice of the Alps!

The natural environment is also one of the region's many assets, and the opportunity for outdoor activities is remarkable. Don't hesitate to go with a guide for a hike in the heights of Chambéry, or for a half-day mountain biking adventure. You'll be amazed by the scenery!

The rest of your personalized itinerary can revolve around visiting Aix-les-Bains, Annecy, or the Chartreuse massif. It all depends on your desires! We take care of booking charming accommodations and organizing your activities and private transfers between each destination.

View of Lake Bourget, in Aix-les-Bains, and located near Chambéry
A tower in ruins in the middle of the vineyards of Combe de Savoie
View of Mont Granier from a flowering mountain pasture, the emblematic summit of the Chartreuse, visible from Chambéry

Event and team building in Chambéry

Chambéry holds a prime position for organizing your event in the Alps, with its convenient location and myriad activity options. You'll surely find accommodation that meets your needs: room capacity, meeting spaces, and technological amenities. Access is easy thanks to the nearby train station and airports, including those in Lyon and Grenoble. Chambéry is the ideal city for your corporate events in Rhône-Alpes!

What could be better than organizing a Savoy ou Pas challenge right in the heart of the Savoyard home? Through fun and cohesive challenges, Savoyard culture will hold no secrets for you! The same goes for the "Casino of Flavors", a festive activity for your corporate evenings that will immerse you in the world of Savoie wine, and much more!

Finally, departing from Chambéry, you can opt for a nature-based team building in the heart of the Bauges or Chartreuse massifs.

To learn more about all our team building and incentive ideas, download our Book of Ideas!

For further information, discover all the services offered by Agence 1786!