Personal data collected through all our websites is processed by the services of the company VOYAGE 1786, a Simplified Joint Stock Company with a share capital of €12,500, registered with the RCS DE CHAMBERY under number 811 083 633, with its registered office at 526 Route des Gorges du Sierroz, 73100 Grésy-sur-Aix.


Your data collected through various means (websites, contact forms, quotes, orders, etc.) are collected and processed by VOYAGE 1786 to respond to and process your request. All requested data are mandatory to fulfill your request. Failure to provide them will result in our inability to contact you to provide a response. With your consent, your data may be used by all services of VOYAGE 1786 to send you offers regarding our products and services. Once collected, your data may be used for legitimate interests in conducting internal studies and statistics, subject to your right to object to such use, if applicable, see the section 'Your Rights and Remedies.'


VOYAGE 1786 takes all necessary measures to ensure the security of physical and electronic data. Recipients of your data include:

  • Authorized personnel within the company VOYAGE 1786 responsible for managing these processes. They only have access to the data necessary for their functions.
  • Our subcontractors responsible, on behalf of VOYAGE 1786, for operational activities in the field. We do not transfer any personal data outside the European Union.


Your data is kept for the time strictly necessary to respond to your request. When no longer necessary, your personal data is deleted or anonymized. The retention periods for your personal data vary, depending on whether you are a customer or prospect of VOYAGE 1786. We use these criteria to determine the retention period for personal data based on the context and purposes of each processing.

  • Data necessary for order management and invoicing: for the entire duration of the commercial relationship and ten years for accounting obligations.
  • Data necessary for loyalty actions and prospecting: for the entire duration of the commercial relationship and three (3) years from the last purchase or from the consent collection.
  • Data related to cookies: 13 months. Beyond these deadlines, your data may be anonymized or deleted.


You have the right to access, rectify, and erase your personal data. You also have the right to limit processing, the right to data portability, and the right to object.

You can exercise these rights by contacting us at the following address: VOYAGE 1786 526 Route des Gorges du Sierroz 73100 Grésy-sur-Aix Email:

You have the option to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data for prospecting purposes at any time:

  • Through an unsubscribe link in the emails you receive
  • By requesting it at the email address:

Finally, you have the right to define directives regarding the storage, erasure, and communication of your personal data after your death. We will do our best to respond satisfactorily to your requests. If, for any reason, you consider our response unsatisfactory, please note that you can file a complaint with the CNIL